Here we are.  Two months into 2021.  If you didn’t have a calendar, would you know that anything has changed?  Well, it has. The fact that you need to look at a calendar to be sure is just confirmation about how bad things have been.  I think that many of us thought that ringing in the new year, would quickly restore us to the lives that we had been living. Now we realize that life is not that simple.

If there is anything that can be learned from 2020 it’s this. Many of us now understand that the way to a better life is to live with purpose…In our thoughts and actions. We now know that when we rise after sleeping, everything may have changed overnight.

The Pandemic. Before 2020 most of us didn’t know the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic.  We just knew that both were bad news. So now we are at least aware that there are things in the air that can kill us.  The vaccine. Many in the African American community remain leery of vaccines. Often with good reason. However, here is where being Black can work to your advantage. As African Americans, we can be sure that we will never be pushed to the front of the line for anything. And so it is with the vaccine.

A recent survey revealed that about 65% of those vaccinated so far are Caucasian. That means the other 35% are sprinkled among Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and us. By the time they get around to scheduling most of our community, there should be
plenty of data available to help us make a decision that’s right for our families. Your decision should be fueled by science and common sense, not emotion.  

Carjacking…Who knew that just as more people were staying inside, that certain crimes would increase?  Where? Mostly on the South and West sides of Chicago. I suppose this is happening in other parts of the country, but Chicago has seized the national headlines, as usual.  Now data reveals that the majority of these crimes are being committed by young Black men, some teenagers. Some victims have been hurt and even killed. Most of them are Black as well. Does this begin to sound familiar? With so many people concealing
and carrying, it’s just a matter of time before this all escalates.  No one seems to really know why this is all playing out at this particular time. I mean, don’t we have enough
to deal with? Isn’t there anyone in our community who can declare a moratorium on this kind of activity?  Are we really ready to write off our young Black males as criminals? Ask the 73-year-old man who was punched in the face during a carjacking at 2 a.m. in January. What was he doing driving around at 2 a.m. at his age? Shouldn’t he have been at home? Well, turns out he was on his way to work. You do what you have to do.  

Someone must know that many of the newer, luxury vehicles being targeted have GPS devices as standard equipment. I haven’t heard this mentioned in any of the many reports that have been published and broadcast about this issue.

In partnership with the South Shore
Chamber of Commerce, the
Neighborhood Network Alliance, and
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
(LISC/Chicago), South Shore Works is
co-leading and facilitating a Quality of
Life Planning progress with South Shore
residents, business owners, and youth.
More information is available at South
Shore’s Quality of Life Plan website.
Thanks to South Shore Works Planning &
Preservation Coalition for providing
this information.

Please, before someone else gets hurt, let’s hope some of our Black men and Black male organizations intervene on behalf of the community.  “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” This was true when Abraham Lincoln said it. It’s just as true now.
New Presidential Administration…President Joe Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris, does have a nice ring to it, considering what we have just been through. And they do seem to be saying the right things and making the right moves, now that they’re in office.
I can now wake up without thinking about what mess the president may have created overnight. And with the two new senators from Georgia…what a relief.  But before VP Harris could say a word, there was Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman seizing the mike with her 22-year-old self.

Gaining the attention and respect of a nation still writhing in pain, just emerging from a 4-year nightmare. The young poetess turned the audience’s pain to promise and hope.  Vice President Kamala Harris…Just needs an opportunity to show why she is the right person for this time. At times she may say and do things that the Black community does not like. Some are already throwing shade because of her background as a prosecutor.  Back up. Give her a chance to lead.  The worse thing we could do is to begin criticizing our new vice president for every decision she makes, that we don’t agree with. Remember, that although she is a quick study, this is all new to her as well. Give her a chance.

Finally, join me in welcoming a new member to our South Side Drive leadership. Thaddeus Tukes will bring the music and cultural focus of the magazine into play, and we will welcome back our live musicians and performers to the Quarry.