Photovoice is a participatory research method that uses photography to help us answer questions and learn about community issues while also providing a platform for youth voice and creative expression. For this Photovoice project, youth and their mentors explored topics of resilience in their community through their own lens.

RECAST (Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma) is a federal, 5-year initiative facilitated by the Chicago Department of Public Health that harnesses the power of community-based organizations and residents to create resources and promote healthy ways to heal from challenges. The goal of ReCAST is to build community resilience in Chicago through trauma-informed practices, violence prevention, and community-informed plans.
Through Our Lens tells stories of personal connection and relationships, caring, community improvement, safety, peace, and joy. We are a community of strength that echoes the very sound of unity, perseverance, and upholds the courage of our brothers and sisters working on bettering our community. Like Colin Kaepernick taking the knee to fight against racial injustice and police brutality in America, we too fight for our community as we convey our message of resiliency through our photography. What may seem like an eternity of darkness, the power lies within our journey to understanding resiliency. As the fear of the unknown hover over us, safety becomes the highlight within our community and people gathering together is the driving force that inspires resiliency. There will be an ongoing fight, but we will always win. As you journey with us through our exhibition, we want you to understand that resiliency isn’t black or white, but it’s full of color, complexity, and a multitude of stories. Will you be next in spreading the word of what a resilient community looks like?

Catherine Stapleton
ReCAST Photovoice Youth Co-Facilitator and Community Ambassador

Ambassador: Ericka Title: Play Caption: There is no absence of accessibility of peace and joy in a neigh-borhood faced with daily trauma, only the presence of mental prisons. These boys were riding on their bikes, and I want to see more young people enjoying themselves, daily, without the fear of violence. The beauty and joy of being young.
Ambassador: Domeneque Title: Congratulations on Life Caption: This picture of my daughter shows strength and resiliency. Being a young mother, her surgery was very emotional. I want to raise to raise awareness about being a young teen mom and about my daughter’s med-ical condition.
Ambassador: Catherine Title: Safety! Caption: Safety is not just in the form of being protected from or by the police. But safety also includes the well being of our health. A healthy community embodies the mind, body, and spirit.
Ambassador: Cache Title: One Black Man who Fought to Stop the Violence Caption: Malcom X stood up for Muslims. My dad and grandad are Muslim, and they don’t get treated well by other people. He spoke for equality. People tried to hurt him because he was trying to do some-thing right. He fought for us without using guns but his words, to be able to sit in the same room as others. (Photo captured at Malcolm X College)
Ambassador: John Title: My Beautiful Treacherous Quest… Caption: Even in the bitter cold, you still have light to guide your way. If you follow it, dedicate yourself to the journey, you will persevere through what may seem like eternal darkness. 􀀁As I notice the trees have lost there life, and the sky has lost it’s light.. 􀀁I approach with caution 􀀁 With the fear of being lost in 􀀁The unknown.. 􀀁I must .. I will. stay safe..!
Ambassador: Sharif Title: The Face of Black Resilience Caption: It only takes one man in order to bring change and revolution. The most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Lost- Found Nation of Islam was and still is the focal point of Black resilience and Black rev-olution. This man’s lectures and teachings can be a reminder and resource for the community to come together and not fight each other but instead fight with each other for Black equal rights and opportunity. This is the key to true justice and equality for all Afro-descendants.
Ambassador: Sharif 
Title: The Little Steps Towards Change 
Caption: “Stop the Violence” is the main message of this mural in my neighborhood. This is a reminder that Chicago is still a primary hotspot for killings, murder, and many deaths. Even with importance this mural shows, note the trash on the floor symbolizing how much care is put into the community, which is little to none. For change to come, we must be able to change ourselves and show we are ready to make a positive change. This mural could be a resource and reminder for the community. Change starts with young people - I’m young and I can still change the future.
Ambassador: Sharif Title: The Little Steps Towards Change Caption: “Stop the Violence” is the main message of this mural in my neighborhood. This is a reminder that Chicago is still a primary hotspot for killings, murder, and many deaths. Even with importance this mural shows, note the trash on the floor symbolizing how much care is put into the community, which is little to none. For change to come, we must be able to change ourselves and show we are ready to make a positive change. This mural could be a resource and reminder for the community. Change starts with young people - I’m young and I can still change the future.
Ambassador: Edwina 
Title: H O P E - Here Our Purpose Enhanced 2020 into 2021 Caption: We came through the challenges that confronted us and embark on the newness of a fresh season. On the BUILD campus, I found the gar-den in disarray, with dead leaves and plants, the chickens clucking around, a Cardinal in a tree. But also I captured some wonderful murals from the school across from BUILD. (On The BUILD) campus located at 5100 W. Harriston) All these things reminded me of the harsh realities of 2020 and how 2021 has come to bring new hope and promise. As we entered Spring, it reminded me that change is in the air and the depic-tions from the murals brought encouragement of such. Welcome Spring! We Embrace You!
Ambassador: Edwina Title: H O P E - Here Our Purpose Enhanced 2020 into 2021 Caption: We came through the challenges that confronted us and embark on the newness of a fresh season. On the BUILD campus, I found the gar-den in disarray, with dead leaves and plants, the chickens clucking around, a Cardinal in a tree. But also I captured some wonderful murals from the school across from BUILD. (On The BUILD) campus located at 5100 W. Harriston) All these things reminded me of the harsh realities of 2020 and how 2021 has come to bring new hope and promise. As we entered Spring, it reminded me that change is in the air and the depic-tions from the murals brought encouragement of such. Welcome Spring! We Embrace You!
Ambassador: Kenesha Title: She Puts the "I" in Essential Caption: During this pandemic, workers in medical field continue to show us just how resilient they are. My mom for example: "This pandemic has been the biggest challenge of my career. I've lost a few patients that were like parents to me. As much as I want to quit sometimes, I can't give up on my patients because they need me". She’s been going to her patients houses despite COVID running rampant in the Black community. She wears full PPE and changes right outside our house every day because she doesn’t want to bring COVID into our house. She cares about me, my family, and my home to do this every day, and that is resilience. Ambassador: Obari Title: Treasure Caption: The narrative in this community is that people think we don’t care about the neighborhood and litter. Someone made a makeshift garbage can out of a rusted pipe. I wonder how much cleaner the neighborhood would be if they city gave us more resources?
Ambassador: Obari Title: Grounded on 87th Caption: The ground is strong. This symbol is from a family of Adinkra symbols from the Asante people of West Africa that means unity and strength. Walking forward together on our lasting cultural foundations. The youth ambassadors of Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (ReCAST) have also created a Community Resilience Survey to learn more about the strength of Chicago residents. We want to understand young people’s thoughts about and experiences of com-munity resilience, so that we can help to improve the community. If you are interested in completing the brief, voluntary, anonymous survey please visit or follow the QR Code below.