

Please join me in acknowledging the Field Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation for choosing me as one of the 2023 Leaders for a New Chicago.  I’ve loved making a difference through the years with our MOBE advanced marketing Symposium, Real Men Cook®, Real Men Charities, the Quarry and of course South Side Drive Magazine. I appreciate being acknowledged, and with financial support for my efforts. Nine other amazing people were chosen for this Award, and I’m honored to know and be recognized with them “for our work to advance racial and social justice in communities across the city,”


The MacArthur Foundation stated they are “proud to honor these voices of change who are paving the way toward a new Chicago that is reflective of its diverse members and communities.” I’m grateful that the work I’ve led on 75th Street and along the corridor in South Shore to create peace is a part of the recognition, in addition to our leveraging arts and creative work to build communities and support families.


This month’s issue is special. The Annual
Congressional Black Caucus’ 52nd Annual Legislative Conference is happening
this month, and three Black Congresspersons will be representing Chicago. In
our May issue, we highlighted Congressman Jonathan Jackson and his first
town hall
meeting (if you didn’t read it, see it online at  This month we’re
sharing a conversation with Congresswoman Robin Kelly, who represents the district where our corporate offices are located here in South Shore. 
Congresswoman Kelly speaks about what she’s been doing in Congress, and what she and her colleagues will be doing at the Legislative Conference. The South Side Drive will be represented there so stay tuned for our social media updates. In the October issue you will hear from Congressmen Jackson, Congressman Danny Davis, and maybe even follow-up with Congresswoman Kelly. 

We asked a few South Side residents what they would like their Congressional representatives to focus on at the Conference. We’re sharing their responses with you in this issue, and we’re taking the issue to the Conference to share with the CBC members.


This month is also Prostate Health Awareness Month, and Walter Perkins’ article urging brothers to get tested is full of useful information about prostate health and testing.  You’ll also enjoy Brother Perkins’ article on HBCUs. Chicago has a new Superintendent of Police, and they say Superintendent Larry Snelling was worth the wait. You’ll find out why in Loren Taylor’s article on the top cop. Mr. Taylor also penned an article about the Fair Transit South Cook Program, which means savings on Metra transportation.

Our two gifted youth writers are guiding us to the good life from a fresh perspective. If you’re wondering how young people feel about curfews and other restrictions placed on Chicago teens, wonder no longer. Kayla Hodge’s enlightening article is an eye-opener.

Our other young writer, Rabang Phillips, has a high interest in helping to implement the South Shore Quality of Life Plan. He’s been helping with the Beautification and Stewardship team and the physical and community cleanup of the 75th corridor, Stony Island to “the Rainbow,” which is the furthest east you can go along the corridor. His article expresses a level of youth pride in our community and in keeping it clean. On September 30th, Real Men Charities will continue community awareness and prevention at the Quarry. The topics are Diabetes and Kidney disease.  And our South Side Drive and the nonprofit present the second in our “Wisdom of the Elders” series, featuring respected journalist and thought leader Salim Muwakkil. 

We encourage you to come out, meet and experience these guides to the good life in Chicago, Please bring along a young person when you do!