Near the end of 2021 Fresh Raw Natural became a nutrient rich product line produced at In the Quarry Shared kitchen, managed by Chef Sean Myers. Collaborating with Real Men Charities, over 1000 nutritional 2 oz. “shots” were distributed to parents and students at O’Keefe Elementary School and to guests at the Real Men Charities #FridayJazzattheQuarry sets.
The idea is to ensure that residents become aware that while they may indulge in what looks like a meal, they might enjoy a stronger healthier body with innovative approaches provided by Fresh Raw Natural, led by nutritionist TS Douglas. This special collaboration is managed by South Shore resident, Loren Taylor on behalf of Real Men Charities, and will ensure increased cellular health and nutrition to schools and families.
If interested n knowing more about this south side food stability innovation call or text Real Men Charities at (773) 359-2026. To support $RealMenCharities or
A grant from Rush Foundation supports this collaboration.