KNOW YOUR BALLOT POWER: The 2024 Civic Responsibility series, is a pre election weekly discussion that provides individuals with the information, tools, and motivation to effectively perform their civic duty to vote in the “consequential” November 5, 2024 general election.  

It is presented in association with the Mayor Harold Washington Legacy Committee in honor of Chicago’s first African American mayor, Harold Washington. The described “reluctant” candidate agreed to run if financial support was secured and new voter registration spiked.  An energized electorate responded and Harold Washington WON the historic 1983 election!

Devorah Crable, president of MSD Global LLC and a founding m ember off the Mayor Harold Washington Legacy Committee said, “ Mayor Washington’s campaign reigns as the quintessential example of civic engagement in action.” 

Robert Starks, Professor Emeritus NEIU, said “As in the case of Harold Washington’s election in 1983 we said “Come Alive October 5”, and in 2024 we again say, “Come Alive November Article for SSD5! Register and Vote.”

This nonpartisan voter education, motivation, and activation series evolved from the KNOW YOUR POWER overarching mission: to explore, via multiple platforms,  our individual and collective power to create the life that we desire.

KNOW YOUR BALLOT  POWER!  adds an elevated octave to the chorus of voices that extoll ballot power as our most effective means to evoke societal change and transformation.   

Rael Jackson. President of Real Men Charities is coordinating Live Talk Back sessions at the The Quarry Entertainment Center that are designed to engage a deeper election motivation conversation. 

“This pivotal election has captured the interest of the now generation and it is incumbent upon each of us to cultivate that interest,” The KY.P initiative targets young and first time voters.

In the countdown weeks to what is considered the most consequential election of this generation, our audience members will learn from experts and thought leaders about democracy, the Voting Rights Act,  the democratic process, civic responsibility and the merit of being an informed electorate. 

Audiences will hear from those who are committed to ensuring that the voting process is safe, secure, understood, and accessible to voters.

Compelling calls-to-action designed to activate informed passionate civic engagement will be presented by the true custodians of our democracy – everyday citizens from all walks of life. The first action is for individuals to post a voter registration message in their email signature line with a QR code linking to the Illinois online voter registration page.

All are encouraged to participate and VOTE in this most important election.