Black People. Yes, I’m talking to you. We know how we are. A rib bone here. A hamburger there. A bag of chips in between. Oh yeah, don’t forget the “Flamin Hots.” All washed down with a sugary drink.

In a 24-hour cycle, not a piece of fresh fruit…No vegetables…No orange, pineapple, or vegetable juice.
No water.
And we wonder why our life expectancy is so low. And falling since the pandemic of 2020. Truth be told, just like it takes a country decades and more to recover from a war…We can no doubt expect the same thing during this so-called post-pandemic phase of our lives.
We had better prepare to do a better job of self-care.
I’ll save the issue of healthy eating for another time. We know what we do and how it harms us. The reality is that it is usually easier to get people to start doing something than it is to convince them to stop harmful behavior.
I’ll just say this. I’m not suggesting that you become a vegetarian or a vegan. That’s up to you. For the record, I am neither. I still enjoy a thick steak or a juicy pork chop. In fact, I can tell you a place where you can get a pork chop as big as…Oh never mind, I’m getting a little ahead of myself.
The fact is when I began to change my eating habits a few years ago, I noticed that I began to feel better. More productive, less sluggish, less combative, and more appreciative of nature.
Once I cut out alcohol and substituted water I felt like a different person. I began to analyze and look at life differently.
But, that’s just me.
Think about it. Even our homegoing celebrations feature platters and bowls of grease and fat. Enough of that.

Water! “What is it good for?” Absolutely everything. Natalie Silver informs us in an article written for health-line titled, “Why Is Water Important? 16 Reasons to Drink Up.” Sixteen is a bit much in this space. Let’s just review a few.

1. Regulates your body temperature
2. Protects tissues, spinal cord, and joints
3. Helps eliminate waste
4. Helps maximize physical performance
5. Aids in digestion
6. Helps you lose weight
7. Improves blood oxygen circulation
8. Helps combat illness
9. Helps boost energy
10. Helps improve mood, alertness, and short-term memory

And, oh yeah, makes you feel better when you are thirsty. Collectively, it would seem safe to conclude, that regular and substantial intake of water should help to increase one’s life expectancy. Of course, this is reduced by other negative personal behaviors.
Whether you choose to drink tap water or bottled water, which can be costly, is your choice. Fortunately, the media has informed us that some tap water is simply unsafe for human consumption on a regular basis. A quality water filter might help. Investigate the safety and costs, before you decide which way to go.

Walter M. Perkins is editor of South Side Drive Magazine